Saturday 21 January 2012

chamanthi work

Chemanthi is a telugu name for chrysanthemums. this stitch i got from my sister-in-law.
To begin with draw a small circle . chemanthi we can make as many petals as we like. more the petals more it look filled. if u make 5 -6 petals it looks like a star. each petal consists of 4 stitches.

Hope you can understand thru my pics

See this sari- It is a white sari and hand embroidary which is done on this is called Chamanthi stitch.
For looking it's very simple and grand look.
This is Half border sari. In night time, this type of sari is very comfortable and beautiful.

These are the flowers which can be seen like chamanthi. That's why this stitch is called as Chamanthy stitch.

hand embroidary patterns
Try this stitch and enjoy this type of sari hand embroidary.......

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