Friday 13 April 2012

Pachis work

Today i want to share another type of hand embroidary which is done by my sister that is nothing but pachis work or pachis stitch.The stitch takes beautiful flower formation when you stitch like in the diagram.

The images of that work on sari are posting here. See those and feel free to post your comments and suggetions.

Ther are so many specialities in this sari. They are sari color, Type of design, taking design in different model on sari, etc., watch and give ur valuable comments..........

 This is one type of variety on taking border for sari. This type of border makes a good look to this sari.

 This is buttie which is spread all over the sari.

pachis stitch

This is one type of variety on taking pallu design for sari. 

This type of variety also makes a good look to this sari.

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